
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My List: So Much Good Stuff

Lately I have been so ridiculously excited about things to come that I can hardly stand it. Aside from the fact that I am actually pregnant and have a little girl growing inside of me; and the fact that I am going to become a mother and have a beautiful little girl of my own, there are so many things going on in these next few months of my life.

And when I get excited and my mind gets overactive, I like to make lists. I am a huge fan of lists. (Whether or not I actually DO anything with my lists is a whole different story…) I constantly have multiple lists going on: "Things I'm Expecting in the Mail", "Hospital Packing List", "Hospital iPod Playlist", Things To Do Before May", and so on.

So with no further ado, here is my latest list of all the fun and exciting things I have on the agenda for the next few months:

* My mother-in-law, brother-in-law, and brother-in-law's girlfriend are coming to visit.
* Not one, but TWO baby showers this weekend!
* The final season of LOST begins! (Sad that it's the last season…but thrilled to see how it all turns out!)
* Fresh Homemade Baby Food cooking class
* The Superbowl
* Childbirth classes begin - February-March
* Babyproofing 101 class
* I have/get to take the glucose test
* Bunco
* 28 Week doctor appointment
* Two birthday parties: one for a friend, and one for the 1st birthday of another friend's son
* Doctor visits begin bi-weekly instead of monthly
* 3/5 Alice in Wonderland comes out in theaters! - This is the movie I MUST see in theaters before baby comes.
* Baby Shower #1
* Mike and I take our tour of the Scripps Encinitas birthing wing
* Housewarming for a friend
* Here Comes Baby - What About the Parents? class
* 3/26 Clash of the Titans comes out in theaters - This is the movie Mike MUST see in theaters before baby comes.
* Baby Shower #2
* Maternity leave begins!!!!!!

All that in less than 3 months - and that's just what I have on the calendar so far! These next few months are going to fly by and I can hardly wait! In the meantime, I'll be busy sewing and getting the nursery ready, as well as getting my bookbinding business started.

It's hard to be stressed about our financial/work situation when there is so much good going on in my life. :)

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