
Monday, March 3, 2008

I need a makeover.

Or, my blog does, that is. I love the plainness of my blog, but at the same time, it makes me a little sad that it's not prettier. Sure, I'm an artist, but I'm not good at designing web pages and stuff. Do any of my readers have a talent for that? I want something pretty...I like vines and flowers and pretty stuff. I love red. It's pretty much my favorite color. Green is my second favorite color, but I don't really like red and green together unless it's Christmas time. I do like light green with red though. Anyways, does anyone have any ideas for me? I'd appreciate it! :) If you can make a design for me, I can send you cupcakes or something as payment.... :)


Nikki57 said...

A, one of the advantages of blogger over wordpress is that there is a whole sea of wonderful layouts you can download online, sure you may not be the only one with said layout, but it could give you what you need

Alanna said...

Good to know....I'm not quite sure if I'm prepared to make the big switcheroo yet or not. Is it complicated? Pros? Cons?

CB said...

I wish I could help. I'd gladly barter for cupcakes but I am not feeling fierce in blog design so I hope you can find someone more FEROSH than me. GL!