
Friday, January 18, 2008

I'm dumb.

Seriously, for years I always thought her name was Kate Beckinsdale. I don't know why, that's just how I kept reading it. One night, I was watching a movie and I couldn't believe how stupid they were to misspell her name in the credits - multiple times!!! A couple hours later it dawned on me that maybe I was the stupid one. So....I made a trip to the computer and checked her out in IMDB. No freaking way...her name is Kate Beckinsale. It's not the rest of the world that can't spell or read, it's me....

Yes, I am a natural blonde.


CB said...

ok seriously. I stared at the 2 spellings of her name in your BU for a good 5 minutes before I noticed the difference. LOL. You're not dumb. Just blonde. But I still love you. ;)

Natalie | Make Today Great said...

I had a ditz moment today too. Seriously -- we need to just call them "Friday" moments or something.