
Friday, February 29, 2008

Blog Name Change

I have decided that I am going to change my blog name so that it matches its URL. I am feeling confused myself, so I am sure some of you have been confused as well! It is now known as "Artists in the Kitchen." Dexter still hangs out in the kitchen with me at times, but not so much these days...not unless I am cooking shrimp, which he is TOTALLY silly for. apologies...I failed to complete this month's Daring Baker's challenge. :( Seriously...the recipe was 16 pages long, and was supposed to take 10 hours to complete. I only had two weekends this month in which I had that much time for baking, and I happened to be sick both of those weekends. Boo!!!! :( Check out my friends' blogs though, to see their lovely French Breads!

and many more!!! If you haven't checked it out yet, visit the Daring Baker's Blogroll to find many more bloggers who participated in this month's challenge.


CB said...

oops! its artists.. plural! I only read singular. thanks for letting me know! ;)

Alanna said...

Yeah...I'm really good at naming things poorly. LOL

Gretchen Noelle said...

Alanna Noelle - Too bad you didn't get a chance to make the delicious french bread. I subscribed. I can't wait to see more beautiful pictures and interesting reads.

Alanna said...

Thanks for subscribing! After seeing your beautiful Caprese, I can't wait to see more of your blog updates! :) Once my house guests are gone, I will be back in action in the kitchen! :)

Jaime said...

sorry you weren't able to complete the DB challenge this month; your cat dexter is adorable! :)